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Operation Save America Calls Sandy Hook Interfaith Memorial Service an 'Affront to Almighty God'

When James Holmes opened fired in a Colorado movie theater in July, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others, Operation Save America quickly issued a press release calling Holmes "an Occupy Wall Street guy" who is "the spawn of the ideology of the Democratic Party."

So it is no surprise that the group has also issued a press release following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, blaming it on the removal of God from public schools while calling the interfaith memorial service held on Sunday "an affront to Almighty God" for not mentioning Jesus enough:

Watching the Memorial service for the twenty-six precious lives taken from us was painful to say the least, but it was far more painful to the God who made America great. Newtown cancelled Christmas so it could properly mourn. How foolish, yet typical of governmental strategy to replace God. The "Interfaith" service was an affront to Almighty God. Those claiming to be His priests barely mentioned His Name --Jesus! After all, He is the only God there is!

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." Hosea 4:6.

Can there be any doubt in anyone's mind today that America is in deep trouble? Blood is coursing down the corridors of our schools, workplaces, and streets and we look at each other with awkward amazement wondering what in the world has happened to us. We are being drained of every last penny of our wealth. We are losing our kids to gangs, drugs, violence, suicide, murder and every imaginable trivial pursuit. Our schools have become veritable jungles where survival of the fittest is the law of the hallway.

What happened? We violently removed the fear of Almighty God from the hearts of our children. We expelled God from school and banished Him from the schoolyard. He was replaced with metal detectors, condoms, policemen, anti-bullying policies, No-gun zones, and violence of unprecedented order. Our strategy has replaced God's Truth. We are losing our kids because we are ignoring God's Law.