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Operation Rescue Defends Trump Tape, Says The ‘Real Abusers’ Are Abortion Providers

We can’t say we were terribly surprised that nearly all of the Religious Right leaders who had already sold out their stated principles to support Donald Trump’s presidential bid decided to stick by the candidate after the release of a tape of him boasting—in vulgar language—of how he can sexually assault women because he’s famous. But it has been especially ironic to see the anti-abortion movement—which in recent years has sought to portray itself as the real champion of women—shrug off his comments.

Joining the fray yesterday was Operation Rescue, the anti-abortion group who’s president, Troy Newman, helped launch the Center for Medical Progress’ Planned Parenthood smear last year. Newman was an anti-abortion adviser to Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and endorsed Trump last month, saying, “No other GOP ticket in history has made such commitments to the Pro-life Movement.”

In a press release yesterday, Newman and his Operation Rescue colleague Cheryl Sullenger—who has spent time in jail for attempting to bomb an abortion clinic—slammed the tape release as a “gutter-level attempt by the Clinton campaign and its cohorts to smear” Trump before declaring that it is in fact Planned Parenthood that is “perhaps the largest abuser of women in the U.S.”

“It is clear that the biggest abusers of women are Hillary Clinton's friends in the Abortion Cartel. If she is elected, women will suffer even more,” added a quote from Sullenger.

Despite the gutter-level attempt by the Clinton campaign and its cohorts to smear Republican candidate Donald Trump hours before the debate, last night's town hall discussion delineated clear differences across a broad spectrum of issues that make Trump the best choice on Election Day.

"Trump hit it out of the park last night in exposing Hillary Clinton's radical leftist positions that will further contribute to the decline of America," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, who has endorsed the Trump/Pence ticket.

"But the most important matter to those of us who work to save lives from abortion was his emphasis of his intended Supreme Court picks. Trump promises to select strong conservative pro-life nominees to the nation's highest court, while Clinton vows to pick judicial activists that will support and expand abortion while dismantling the very fabric of American society."

The news media and establishment Republicans went on the attack against Trump after an 11-year old recording was released showing Trump engaged in "locker-room" talk that was demeaning to women. Trump immediately apologized for that "foolish" language both before and during the debate.

However, what went unspoken during last night's debate is Clinton's partnership with Planned Parenthood, which is perhaps the largest abuser of women in the U.S.

"It is clear that the biggest abusers of women are Hillary Clinton's friends in the Abortion Cartel. If she is elected, women will suffer even more," said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue. "And that is not to mention the accusations of sexual misconduct against her husband, Bill, that Hillary helped cover up, or the fact that she would support tax-funding of abortion on an unprecedented scale."

"For me, the choice on November 8 is clear. The Trump/Pence ticket will act to protect innocent lives, while Clinton will work to destroy them," said Newman. "Please join us in voting for Donald Trump for President, for the sake of innocent babies and the sake of our nation."