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Operation American Spring Leader Says God Will Lead Millions Against Obama's 'Socialist-Fascist-Communist-Marxist' Dictatorship

Last month, Operation American Spring leader Harry Riley spoke to conservative radio host Dave Janda about his upcoming rally, which is intended to oust President Obama from office and put him in Gitmo.

Riley told Janda that Operation American Spring will stop Obama’s attempt to turn America into “a socialist-fascist-communist-Marxist dictatorial, tyrannical system.”

When Barack Obama became the White House occupant we saw the Constitution being destroyed and ignored at nearly the speed of light. We believe that our liberty and our freedom and our constitutional nation started on the downhill at something that we just couldn’t believe. We looked over and we said, we’ve been fighting for our nation for over 230 years and we have children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren that are coming after us, and at the rate that Obama is taking us, we are going to be down into a socialist-fascist-communist-Marxist dictatorial, tyrannical system at the end of his administration if we don’t do something now, right now, to turn this around.

Riley also repeated his assertion that God is behind Operation American Spring and predicted that the event will draw 10 million attendees — which is actually lower than activist Jim Garrow’s estimate of 30 million.

We’re at the point now where I believe that the only way we could be this far ahead with so many supporters and so many patriots that are making efforts throughout the states that God’s wind is behind us, that this is something that He’s pushing us along. We’re calling for a peaceful, unarmed, non-violent gathering of 10 million Americans in Washington D.C. beginning on May 16 and we want to stay there in numbers as long as we possibly can.

I think it will work. I think God is behind it. He is going to give us a clear path, right into Washington D.C. and that’s what we’re going to ask for. At the same time we’re working on a formal declaration of demands that we’re going to present, we don’t know exactly who to yet or how they will be presented, but this will back up what it is we’re asking for with regard to these people to step down. We’re trust there’s going to be about 10 million or more people that are going to be there to back this up, verified, validated.