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'Operation American Spring' Claims Support From 'High Ranking Military Leaders'

The organizer of a May 16 rally calling for President Obama’s overthrow claims that he has the support of “a number of high ranking military leaders” who will assist in “a gigantic ‘movement to action’ in D.C.”

Col. Harry Riley, who is putting on the event with the backing of Jim Garrow and former general Paul Vallely, wouldn’t be the first conservative activist to call for military action against Obama.

Riley told Renew America’s Sher Zieve that he hopes for an Egyptian-style uprising to bring an end to “the tyrannical, dictator like regime that is taking American into the abyss.”

Sher: Thanks so much for being here, today, Col. Riley. You have taken on quite a task with "Operation American Spring" that has now gone viral on the Internet. Would you tell the readers what inspired you to begin the program, which is designed to lead toward the occupation of Washington D.C. in May?

Col. Riley: Five years of America screaming for some resolution from the tyrannical, dictator like regime that is taking American into the abyss....we've shuffled paper to congress, the media, town halls, every conceivable avenue to no avail. America is sinking desperately closer to a dictatorship...Barack Obama has no intention of adhering to the US constitution. The people of Egypt gave me inspiration...they said "enough is enough," took action by the millions to reach a solution. Their model is applicable to America as we find ourselves in an undesirable, tyrannical regime.....we are not modeling the Egyptian government, nor their's the action of the Egyptian people we're modeling. Our government structure is fine, our Founding Fathers were brilliant, so we're happy with America government structure, except the tyrannical leadership in Washington, D.C.

Sher: During our recent conversation, you indicated that you are working with a small staff to accomplish your goals. After so many recent firings of our military leaders, one would think these leaders would be ready to expose Barack Obama for whom and what he really is. Why do you think so many high-ranking military men have been reluctant to say anything about this man who is openly and systematically destroying the USA and its Constitution; the Constitution that they have sworn to uphold?

Col. Riley: We have a number of high ranking military leaders who are in support of a gigantic "movement to action" in D.C. as we discuss in We are witnessing exponential attention and emphasis from "grass roots" America. That's where this mission, Operation American Spring is coming from.