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'Onward Christian Soldiers!': Rick Perry Will Clear The Greed And Corruption Out Of Washington, D.C., Just Like Jesus

On Saturday, Rick Perry and Ted Cruz joined several thousand right-wing Christians for a "We Stand With God" rally on the steps of the South Carolina capitol building, where Perry went into full-blown preacher mode as he likened himself to Jesus in his willingness to clear the money changers out the temple and sought to mobilize an army of Christians soldiers to take back this nation.

"Literally the foundation of America is under attack from those on the left," Perry thundered. "It's under attack from Washington, D.C. You know, talking about Washington, D.C., early in the ministry of Jesus Christ, he saw corruption in the temple and he got angry about it and he did something about it. He went in there and he overturned the tables of the money changers. He saw corruption, just like today we need somebody that's got the backbone to go to Washington, D.C., and turn over the tables of the money changers, of the corruption, of the greed that we see in Washington, D.C. And the question is: Will you join me in that effort? Will you load up? Are you ready to sacrifice? Are you ready to stop the corruption, the crony capitalism, the greed that we see in that temple of government in Washington, D.C.?"

"Jesus was angry," Perry said. "I'm angry. I hope you're angry."

"What are you willing to die for?" he continued. "Are you willing to rise up and stand for God and to go forward and live for the principles and the values that this country were based upon ... Are you ready? Onward Christian soldiers!"