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Omar Navarro Taps Racist Pundit to Celebrate End of Campaign

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Omar Navarro, the Republican nominee seeking election to the House of Representatives in California’s 43rd district, will host Rebel Media’s Katie Hopkins at his Election Day party.

On Twitter, Navarro uploaded an image advertising Hopkins’ planned appearance at his closing campaign event. Last week, Hopkins announced she would be joining Navarro in California for his final week of campaigning.

Hopkins frequently spouts rhetoric that echoes themes of white nationalism. In May, she used a racial slur to address a Twitter user. Hopkins was one of the many far-right figures who repackaged the longtime white nationalist myth that a “white genocide” is happening in South Africa as the result of the end of apartheid. Hopkins went so far as to travel to the country to produce an agitprop film for far-right audiences.

Navarro has sought to appeal to the so-called “New Right” base of Trump supporters, which broke off from the so-called “alt-right” when the movement’s anti-Semitism and white nationalist rhetoric became too hot to handle publicly, in order to defeat incumbent Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters. When he pursued the same seat in 2016, he lost to Waters by a 52-point margin.

In the run-up to tomorrow’s midterms, Navarro has campaigned alongside conspiracy theorists including Alex Jones and Liz Crokin. GOP operative Roger Stone, who has been a major focus of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 general election, reportedly advises Navarro’s campaign. In March, he received the endorsement of former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his contacts with a Russian ambassador, and Navarro has received praise from Flynn’s son and One America News correspondent Jack Posobiec, who happen to be Pizzagate conspiracy theorists.

In a short video uploaded by Hopkins last night on Twitter, Navarro is seen speaking with Hopkins in what appears to be a restaurant. Less than a week prior, Hopkins had blamed a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, during which an anti-Semite murdered 11 people, on “the Chief Rabbi and his support for mass migration.”

The video clip offers little of substance, simply conveying a brief moment from a friendly dinner. When Hopkins asks Navarro if believes he will win, he responds that he does despite the fact that he is currently forecasted by FiveThirtyEight to receive an even lower percentage of the popular vote than he did when he challenged Waters in 2016 (and is given a less than 0.1 percent chance of winning his race).

Navarro’s collaboration with Hopkins isn’t the first time he’s embraced the far-right on the campaign trail.

Navarro was also filmed last year complimenting an anti-Semitic sign at a rally in California that read “DA GOYIM KNOW,” a phrase used by anti-Semites to mock Jewish people, concocted to convey how they imagine Jews conspire to shut down their opposition. The person holding the sign in the video appears to belong to the Rise Above Movement, a neo-Nazi fight club in Southern California that has seen multiple members arrested for violence committed at Unite the Right gathering of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.