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Obama's Secret Plan to Give the United Nations Control of the Military and Internet 'Exposed'


WorldNetDaily’s Brenda Elliott, co-author of Fool Me Twice: Obama’s Shocking Plans for the Next Four Years Exposed, expressed her fears on Eagle Forum Live that the Obama administration is delegating all power over to the United Nations. Elliott told host Anne Cori, Eagle Forum head Phyllis Schlafly’s daughter, that President Obama will convert our defense forces into international peacekeepers dominated by the UN and “bow down to the will of the Middle East and to Islam.”

Elliott: The 2012 Unified Security Budget, which is sponsored by the Center for American Progress…that’s the organization founded in 2003 using funding from billionaire Democratic funder George Soros and headed by John Podesta, who was the co-chair of the Obama-Biden transition team…funding also sponsored by the Institute for Policy Studies, which is about the most pro-Communist, leftist think tank in our country. This 96 page document proposes right off the top a trillion dollars in cuts over ten years. We already hear Obama mention these cuts to the defense budget. And you know the most concerning thing here, perhaps, is the proposal that our defense forces could be turned into international peacekeepers, with the ultimate goal of coming under the auspices of the United Nations.

Cori: Well one of the promises that Obama made in ’08 is to restore our standing in the world. Do you think the world respects the United States more after four years of Obama?

Elliott: I think that the number of times that Obama has gone before heads of state and gone into an obedient posture by bowing and constantly going into a posture of appeasing, I don’t think that gains anybody any points, I mean, you go back to history and it tells us that a strong defense keeps our foes at bay, but when we posture that we’re prepared to be peacekeepers and bow down to the will of the Middle East and to Islam, that’s not a strong position at all.

Elliott’s concern about “the proposal” is entirely unfounded: the 2012 Unified Security Budget proposes to maintain and increase our funding to UN peacekeepers and create a standing UN peacekeeper force, not to hand over our defense to the UN. In fact, according to the report, the creation of such a peacekeeping force is an investment which would reduce U.S. military expenditures in the long run.

The Internet is also in jeopardy, claims Elliott, who believes that the Obama administration aims to dominate the Internet and allow the UN to control the web.

Caller: Hi, thanks, I want to compliment Brenda on the great work she’s doing on the Internet with all her blogging, and I want to ask her if a second Obama administration would result in controls of the Internet by the Federal Communications Commission.

Elliott: Well they’ve been trying to do this for a while, and thank you very much about the blogging, I guess you must be one of my regulars, is the most recent one. I think there has been several efforts, especially since the beginning of the administration, to control the Internet. I think the bigger problem we may face in the future if Barack Obama is reelected is the possibility of a treaty or an agreement where we will hand that over to the United Nations. The United Nations very much wants to control the Internet, and that would definitely not be a very positive sign.