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Obama Brings Hope To All … Even Steve Dillard

There have been several(link is external) articles(link is external) recently about the future of the federal judiciary under President Obama and how he will have a chance to reshape it after eight years of Bush appointments.  Which makes this article(link is external) all the more interesting:

While it will likely be months before President-elect Barack Obama makes an appointment to fill a vacancy on Middle Georgia’s federal bench, several Macon lawyers and a judge have expressed early interest in the post.

Macon lawyers Bill Clifton, Marc Treadwell, Stephen Dillard and Floyd Buford, as well as Macon Judicial Circuit Superior Court Judge Tripp Self, have expressed interest in the post or are considering filing applications.

Dillard, of the James, Bates, Pope & Spivey law firm, said he plans to apply for the position although he doesn’t share the president’s political affiliation.

“It never hurts to try,” said Dillard, a Republican.

Dillard is not just any old Republican, he’s a right-wing Federalist Society member(link is external) who blogged for Red State’s Confirm Them(link is external) and was among the most vocal opponents(link is external) of President Bush’s nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.  He was also a founding member of both Catholics Against Rudy(link is external) and later Catholics Against Joe Biden(link is external).

Also, according to his bio(link is external):

Dillard served as a legal-policy advisor to Governor Mike Huckabee during the 2008 presidential campaign, and is currently a member of the National “Catholics for McCain” Steering Committee.

He’s an ardent opponent(link is external) of reproductive choice who apparently doesn’t have much use for precedent, considering that his mantra is “Stare Decisis is fo' Suckas(link is external)!”

And for good measure, he’s prone to referring Barack Obama as “the lying proabort(link is external)” and “a monster … who must be stopped(link is external).”

Call me crazy, but I don’t think that Dillard has much of a chance of getting nominated by President Obama to a coveted seat on the federal bench.