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Oath Keepers Starting College Chapters So Students Will Stop 'Cooperating In Their Own Murders'

The armed anti-government group Oath Keepers unveiled its strategy to prevent school shootings last week, announcing its intention to form college — and eventually high school — chapters, which the group will use to train students to “stop submitting and cooperating in their own murders” and resist the coming government “death camps.”

In an article on the group’s website, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and media director Jason Van Tatenhove wrote that the students killed in the recent shooting at a community college in Oregon died because they were “conditioned” to be “passive, submissive and ‘non-violent.’”

The two went on to warn that this “conditioning” makes children not just “submissive” to mass shootings, but also to “government violence, abuse, and oppression”:

Remember, this passive victim conditioning makes them submissive not just to private violence, abuse, and oppression, but also to government violence, abuse, and oppression. And we believe this is the big-picture goal of such social conditioning – a nation of passive, submissive, and obedient serfs. Those of us who are police, military and first-responder veterans understand the need for the warrior mindset of decisive action, and we need to pass it on. It is our duty to teach our young people to defend themselves and each other. This effective answer does not rely on politicians, but will be done by the people themselves, and we will lead the way.

In an interview with Red List News, the two went into more detail, with Van Tatenhove warning that anti-bullying programs in schools, specifically, are “brainwashing children” into being “docile.”

“Whether it’s an active shooter that kills them, or later on a death camp somewhere down the road because they’ve been conditioned never to fight back,” he warned, “it only leads to death.”

Rhodes agreed: “The same submissive and servile, sheep-like mindset that children are being taught is exactly what they’re going to do politically, too, when it comes to their own government. They’re never going to stand up to it. So I think the conditioning is intentional to make them easily murdered by mass shooters, and I also think it’s intentional to make them servile and submissive before the powers that be who want a compliant, submissive population.”