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Oath Keepers Claim Government 'Psy-ops' Behind Bundy Ranch Drone Rumor, Militia Infighting

The Oath Keepers, one of the groups organizing the armed standoff at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada, issued a bizarre, meandering “advisory” today claiming that a rumor that the group promoted that Attorney General Eric Holder had authorized a drone strike on the ranch was in fact a “psy-op” meant to discredit the protesters.

An Oath Keepers "editor" who calls himself "Elias Alias" writes:

Yes, it is true: Oath Keepers received a bizarre bit of leaked info which could not be verified but which also could not be ignored. Our contact is connected with the Department of Defense – or “was”. The info we received stated that Eric Holder of the Department of Justice had okayed a drone strike on the Bundy ranch near Bunkerville, Nevada, within a 48 hour period over the weekend of April 26/27, 2014.

This mis-info came from a trusted source, a former Special Forces soldier with significant connections inside DOD. Though the info was unbelievable, in the present climate generated by the BLM and Senator Harry Reid (who called the ranchers and their friends “domestic terrorists”), Oath Keepers decided that the info must be regarded as indicating that a drone attack was at least “possible”.

Knowing that this sort of info is at least bizarre, Stewart and our Board members who were there at the ranch finally, after painstakingly going over all possible angles, decided that this should be handled just as the authorities would handle a bomb threat at a school – evacuate the kids from the school immediately and then sift for the bomb, if indeed one turned out to exist there. Stewart knew this was a potential trap for Oath Keepers, but felt that he could not remain quiet about the info which had come to us. Better safe than sorry, in a nutshell, defines his thinking on this. Oath Keepers is tremendously happy that nothing happened and that this was a bad tip, a piece of “dis-info”, a “psy-op”.

"Elias Alias" then claims that conflicts among militia groups at the ranch can only be the result of FBI infiltration of militias in another “psy-op” on behalf of the “UN’s Agenda 21 domestic usurpations.” The group repeats the debunked rumor that Sen. Harry Reid is working on behalf of a Chinese energy firm. “This is United Nations covert activity inside the United States and it involves the planet’s largest Communist nation, China,” the advisory states. “The Bundy connection connects also the relationship of the BLM to the Reid family. It is deep stuff.”

Oath Keepers is happily hosted at the Bundy Ranch by the Bundy family. A film/video is en route to Montana right now, riding by car with Stewart, for editing and subsequent posting to our YouTube channel. That video will feature Stewart himself in powerful expressions of the principles on which Cliven Bundy stands, and the direness of the hour in our Republic’s history, and the need to overcome the UN’s Agenda 21 domestic usurpations carried via now-stolen “federal agencies and departments” such as the Forest Service and the BLM. The BLM’s policy is mirrored in Agenda 21, and the entire Bundy Ranch affair traces back to corruption in internationalist-federal deal-making in the name of the People’s government. Chinese management of Nevada land is at the bottom of this, as Alex Jones exposed Senator Reid’s connections with a Chinese firm wanting to operate a solar energy farm on land related to the eco-plans for developing that site, which included moving a population of desert tortoise from that site to the area where Bundy’s cows graze – and that was a problem for EPA as well as the Endangered Species Act, which caused seriously-armed federal force to move in to make sure that the Bundy cattle were removed from the new home of the tortoise – correct me if I’m wrong. This is United Nations covert activity inside the United States and it involves the planet’s largest Communist nation, China. The Bundy connection connects also the relationship of the BLM to the Reid family. It is deep stuff.

And that is why suddenly, as Oath Keepers is getting into gear to ramp up and build upon this defense of the people against the BLM’s tyrannical forces, and as we are making awesome strides, all hell suddenly breaks loose with the militias, who in a surprising twist of fate, have decided to destroy Oath Keepers at the same time we’re hit with a rumored leak about a drone attack being possible. Sheesh. The militias are being unruly about it, and somewhat rude, assuming that the word “rude” includes threatening to shoot Stewart or his officers in the back “for desertion” – if you can believe that. Some of the alleged militia leaders are threatening to accost Oath Keepers’ leadership if leadership step foot on the Bundy Ranch. That is fairly rude, but that has actually been said.

A typical FBI psy-op would plant “leaders” in every militia they could infiltrate. What those sorts of FBI agents or surrogates do is always “handled” . Some of the purported “leaders” of the militia at the ranch are doing exactly what any agent provocateur would do after having infiltrated the militia and claimed a role in leadership. Did you notice the massive ego about who is going to command who? Did you notice the drama in the tendency to speak of Oath Keepers as if we were a militia, which we are not. These militia “leaders” would judge us by battlefield standards even though there has not been a “battlefield” since April 12, 2014? They would shoot us for desertion? Really? That is amazing, and is the kind of bumbling consciousness which a conditioned and programmed special warfare officer or a federal agent would offer if he had to think on his feet of a sudden.

He adds that the Oath Keepers are in fact the upstanding citizens in this “classic” situation by backing Bundy, who “is a patriarch of our American heritage” with a “vision.. in harmony with that of the founders”

We understand that the Bundy affair is classic and that Mr. Bundy himself is a patriarch of our American heritage and as such he is to be protected by the people at all costs. His vision is in harmony with that of the founders, and we all know it. When Oath Keepers brings in to the Bundy Ranch out-of-State legislators, and when CSPOA and Oath Keepers bring in men and women from our Peace Officer community to stand by Mr. Bundy, the power in the unique outreach style of Oath Keepers becomes clear.