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Nugent: 'Put Steve Stockman In Charge Of GOP'

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) has apparently gone missing and nobody seems to know his whereabouts, but NRA board member Ted Nugent believes the far-right congressman deserves a medal for “common sense.”

Nugent, fresh from another insane anti-Obama rant, writes today that the Texas congressman and primary challenger to Republican incumbent Sen. John Cornyn should win a “GOP Medal of Common Sense” from Speaker Boehner.

In a column entitled “Put Steve Stockman In Charge Of GOP,” Nugent claims that Stockman — who last year invited Nugent to the State of the Union after the singer threatened to kill President Obama — and his colleague Rep. Louie Gohmert represent the future of the Republican party and its mission to defeat “anti-gun numbnuts.”

We can only hope the GOP takes Ted Nugent’s advice.

My good friend and great American, Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas, gives me hope.

You may recall that Congressman Stockman invited me to attend President Obama’s State of the Union address this past January.

Following the Community-Organizer-in-Chief’s masterful smoke and mirrors speech, I held media court where I dutifully played the bongo drums on the empty heads of anti-gun numbnuts with flailing ball peen hammers of truth and logic. Clearly, it’s my “we the people” job, and I’ve honed my delivery to a razor-sharp edge over these many years, practicing relentlessly on clueless hippies and Mao fans across the hinterland. I eagerly await a real challenge.

Congressman Stockman is a legislative street-fighting man who stands solidly for our sacred Second Amendment. Should the GOP leadership ever wish to know how to act like a political party with titanium testicles, they would be wise to give Stockman the gavel and let him hold real conservative court.

Recognizing the proven common sense and fundamental truism of all time that more guns equal less crime, Congressman Stockman introduced legislation to repeal the insane and embarrassing ban prohibiting military personnel from carrying weapons on military bases. Congressman Stockman’s legislation would allow our military heroes, the greatest trained warriors the world has ever known, to adequately protect themselves against various rabid subhuman Hasan-like scum intent on slaughtering them.

It goes without saying that Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert endorses the legislation. Congressman Gohmert stands for all that is good and conservative. He has that special Texas spine of defiance and independence that would make the defenders of the Alamo proud.

This common-sense legislation is long overdue. Those of us honest and aware of common sense know that for any government entity to intentionally disarm anyone is state-sanctioned barbarism and savagery. Only a soulless Fedzillacrat would endorse such lunacy, particularly upon those U.S. military warriors putting themselves in harm’s way to support and defend such rights for the rest of us.

Good on Congressman Stockman. Speaker Boehner should present him with a GOP Medal of Common Sense for introducing this legislation. Of course, the GOP has no such medal, but it damn well should.