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Nugent: 'Democratic Slave Drivers' Dishonoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Noted Africana studies professor Ted Nugent claims in a column today that “liberal Democratic slave drivers” have paved the way for “the destruction of black America” and are dishonoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Show me a social or cultural problem, and I will show you how liberalism either created the problem or exacerbated it,” Nugent writes, adding that the Democrats’ “destructive policies” have created a “destructo-derby” and “caused a cultural and social cancer to metastasize in black America.”

Say what you will, but the destruction of black America is the result of Fedzilla’s $16 trillion and 50-year-old so-called war on poverty, which created a cycle of dependency, destruction and culture rot for black America.

America doesn’t have a “gun violence” problem but rather a “liberal denial” problem whereby liberals support continuing the insanely expensive and totally destructive policies and programs that have caused a cultural and social cancer to metastasize in black America for far too long. Show me a social or cultural problem, and I will show you how liberalism either created the problem or exacerbated it.

It is fascinating to wonder what Dr. King would have said about the culture and social rot that plagues black America today.

To honestly celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, black America would have to admit to the self-inflicted destructo-derby they are waging and begin to tell their liberal Democratic slave drivers to take a hike.