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North Carolina Lt. Governor: LGBT Rights Proof We've Turned Our Back On God

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest is apparently not above appearing on “Trunews,” the radical anti-LGBT radio program hosted by far-right conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles, where he insisted Wednesday that his state’s new anti-LGBT law is in no way discriminatory.

In fact, the GOP official said, “women and children” were the ones “being discriminated against” under LGBT rights ordinances like the one passed by the city of Charlotte, which was voided by the new state law.

He said that such measures were approved because “we have a lack of moral compass in our country right now, we’ve taken our eyes off God in America, we have turned our back on God, we have forgotten God in a lot of ways, so the moral compass is broken here.”

Forest went on to say that anti-LGBT laws like North Carolina’s only “discriminate against behavior, not against people,” comparing them to traffic laws: “If I want to go out and drive 95 miles an hour down the interstate in North Carolina because I feel like doing that, I don’t have the right to do that. It doesn’t mean the law is discriminating against me, it’s discriminating against my behavior of wanting to drive 95.”

Naturally, Forest went on to blame the controversy over the law on the media.