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Newt Gingrich Says Pastors Have A Duty To Run For Office And Fight 'Totalitarian Secularism'

The American Renewal Project, an effort organized by Christian nationalist and Religious Right political operative David Lane to encourage pastors to run for office and to mobilize their congregations to get involved in politics, posted a video yesterday featuring Newt Gingrich telling pastors that they have a duty to fight back against "those who would impose a totalitarian secularism on us."

"You're at a moment in history that is as defining as anything in the Old Testament," Gingrich said. "You're at a point where some people have to have the courage to witness for Christ, some people have to have the courage to tell the truth to their flock, some people have to have the courage to get into the public arena themselves."

Gingrich is proud to be a part of Lane's efforts to "encourage ministers to run for office" because ministers played a key role in the founding of this nation, he said, and today "we desperately need your help."

"We have not seen the Judeo-Christian historic traditions threatened the way they are today ever in American history," Gingrich said. "I think you have a duty ... to have the courage to stand up and tell the truth; tell the truth about those who would impose a totalitarian secularism on us, force us to bow to the power of the government in order to do things that our religious forbids, you have a duty to tell the truth about those who would kill us in the name of Islamic supremacy. And if you do your duty, you will be part of launching a Great Awakening that could once again help America."