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Newman: "Demonic" Abortion Providers Make Money To Fuel Drug, Sex, Gambling Addictions

Troy Newman of the militantly anti-choice group Operation Rescue appeared yesterday on the Janet Mefferd Show to discuss an upcoming HBO series based on the life and death of Dr. George Tiller, the Kansas abortion provider who was murdered by a “pro-life” activist at his church. Newman claimed that women’s health centers that offer family planning are filthy, “demonic” places where “the abortionist takes every drop of money that he can get” to feed his many addictions, including drugs, alcohol, sex and gambling. He argued that the late Dr. Tiller was himself a raging alcoholic, drug addict and a sexist, who only performed abortions to satisfy his addictions:

Mefferd: When you talk about these clinics, and we’ve seen this so many times before, that these abortion clinics are just gross, they’re dirty, they’re poorly maintained, why do you think that is? I mean, they seem to have enough money coming in from abortions to be able to get some Clorox, why are they so gross?

Newman: Well, there’s a number of reasons. First of all, there’s really no pride of ownership there. It’s an abortion facility and often times the abortionist takes every drop of money that he can get out of that to feed sometimes his drug addiction habit, his sexual abuse habit, or any other number of worldly habits that they got themselves into, often times gambling, and it just takes every dollar out of it. But again, you can’t practice vice, with virtue. We look at it through the prism of a Christian worldview and we think, why not take care of your facility? But this is truly a demonic enterprise.

Newman: The people that I know and have a lot of informants and spies inside the abortion industry that call me on a regular basis and I know who George Tiller was behind the scenes. He was a rabid alcoholic, a drug addict, a man who verbally abused not only his staff but his clients. He really did not like women and he profited to the tune of $2-3 million a year off doing late term abortions.