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Never Trumper Steve Deace Thrilled By Pick Of 'Culture Warrior' Jeff Sessions

Iowa talk radio host and Religious Right activist Steve Deace was an early and ardent adherent to the Never Trump movement, going so far as to renounce his Republican Party registration when Donald Trump defeated his preferred candidate, Ted Cruz, in the presidential primary.

But now that Trump has won the presidential election, Deace has found a few bright spots, declaring on his radio program on Friday that while he doesn’t “do bandwagons,” he likes “a lot of what I am seeing” from the Trump transition, particularly the president-elect’s announcement that he will nominate Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

“But I will say this, again, just calling balls and strikes, I like a lot of what I am seeing,” Deace said. “Now, that may be relative to my expectation level, which is why I keep throwing that disclaimer out. But if you look at the appointment today of Jeff Sessions for AG—Listen, I thought Ted Cruz would make an excellent attorney general. I think Jeff Sessions is a really good choice. We need somebody in there that reveres the word of law and is a culture warrior. He’s both of those things. I think he would do a dynamite job.”

He went on to ask his cohosts if they would be happy if Cruz had become president and appointed Sessions to the job, and they all agreed that they would.