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Nerves Fraying On The Right Over Potential Romney Nomination

Will tea party and Religious Right activists unite in their shared loathing of Mitt Romney? Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation sent an alert to members today pleading with them to support his chosen candidate, Newt Gingrich, over Romney. “If Mitt Romney wins the primaries, the Tea Party has lost,” Phillips writes, “and it does not matter whether it is Obama or Romney who wins the election, as there is very little difference between the two.”

The philosophy of the Tea Party in the primary season can be described in three words. Anybody but Romney. Unfortunately, this is a very bad strategy.

Is Romney now an acceptable candidate?

No! Absolutely not.

Seventy to seventy five percent of Republicans want someone other than Romney. That number is higher among Tea Party supporters. Obama’s numbers are tanking so badly that almost any Republican who can fog a mirror is going to be in good shape next year.

But before we get to the general election, we go through the primaries. If Mitt Romney wins the primaries, the Tea Party has lost and it does not matter whether it is Obama or Romney who wins the election, as there is very little difference between the two.

Granted Obama hates America and Romney at least likes America, but beyond that, from a policy standpoint, there is little difference between the two. The number of advisors that worked for both Romney and Obama is stunning, or appalling, depending on your point of view.

Romney gave Massachusetts Romneycare, which has almost bankrupted the state. His spending on welfare programs would make Obama proud and of course, he supported cap and trade and imposed draconian, job-killing environmental regulations on Massachusetts businesses.

We need a President who is committed to ripping socialism out of government, which excludes Romney who wants to grow and manage big government.

I encourage everyone in the Tea Party movement to come on board now and join me in supporting Newt for President.

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, who was reproached by Romney at the Values Voter Summit, dedicated yesterday’s Focal Point to warning about a potential Romney nomination. AFA’s Michigan leader Gary Glenn already signed his name, along with other Religious Right leaders, on to a letter pleading with GOP voters not to nominate Romney. Fischer argued that Romney’s nomination will mean “the end of the Republican party as a political force” and that he has no chance of defeating Obama as a result of his well-documented flip-flopping and public perception of his Mormon faith: