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Murray: Gays are 'The Most Violent of the Abusers of Children in Our Society'

Like other conservative writers, William Murray sees the 1950s as a utopian age, only to be ruined by struggles for civil rights later on. He writes today in WorldNetDaily that America is now suffering the consequences of conservatives having “lost’ the culture war “in the 1960s in the midst of bean bag chairs, lava lamps, cheap wine and marijuana smoke” to the left and the gays.

Murray laments that while gays are “the most violent of the abusers of children in our society,” they “are treated as a protected class” and helped usher in America’s “moral decline.”

He also blamed Social Security and Medicare for society’s ills—again—and declared that Obamacare is “the final blow” to the American family.

Loving Christian couples often cannot adopt children in the current culture because they are declared bigots for not accepting anal sex as normal. Homosexuals, the most violent of the abusers of children in our society, are treated as a protected class. State welfare offices pay women not to marry the fathers of their children, and the elderly receive funds to disengage from their children and grandchildren and move to warmer climates.

Courts have ruled that a girl 13 or younger can buy an abortion drug – the “morning after” pill – over the counter, and use this powerful drug without permission of parents or a doctor.

During the 1960s, the drug and “gay” counter-culture of San Francisco flourished, and nude bathing at a park in Austin, Texas, began. New York City in the 1960s was far worse than portrayed in the movie “The Cross and the Switchblade”; the city was a hell hole on the edge of bankruptcy. Anti-war protests encouraged by money from the Soviet KGB filled the streets of cities with angry youth, and a communist by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

The first major blow to the family was Social Security, the second Medicare and the third welfare. These programs drove Grandma and Grandpa out of the home and to Florida. Free from the responsibility of caring for aging parents, the “me generation” was able to concentrate on pleasure and material success. Religion was seen as simply an impediment to pre-marital sex, divorce, alcohol, drug use, gambling and materialism. The final blow is Obamacare, which takes away even the responsibility of caring for children from families. The safety net is so broad that the family is simply no longer necessary.

Yes, I am very politically incorrect to those on both sides of the fence. The left will say I am gay bashing and against the “progress” of individual freedom from moral restraints and economic worries. The social conservative right will say I have abandoned prayer for our schools. Neither view is true. I am simply being honest about the date the cultural war was lost. The drift to defeat did not begin with the removal of prayer from the schools. The cultural war was lost in the 1960s in the midst of bean bag chairs, lava lamps, cheap wine and marijuana smoke. That loss has led America to its current financial, political and moral decline.