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'Militias All Across The Nation Are Mobilizing' For Anti-Obama Rally

An organizer for Operation American Spring, a planned right-wing rally in Washington D.C. that hopes to drive President Obama out of office through a “second American Revolution,” said this week that “militias all across the nation are mobilizing” to attend the May demonstration.

In an interview with conservative pundit Erik Rush this week, organizer Harry Riley said that while the militias are “not coming up there with any weapons,” he believes there may be violence and “carnage” if the demonstrators don’t get their way. “I fear the next step, if this doesn’t happen, is going to be something that not a combat soldier wants to see,” he said.

Another rally organizer, Jim Garrow, has called for a “guerrilla war” against Obama.

Rush himself advocated yesterday for a military coup against Obama.

I fought all through the Cold War and to me I’ve never seen a threat to the United States any greater than the internal threat that Obama and his administration and a Congress that does nothing reflect. We’re in a serious, grave situation. It’s a reason we’re going to Washington to try, to try. I fear the next step, if this doesn’t happen, is going to be something that not a combat soldier wants to see. We’ve been through the carnage, we’ve seen it, we understands what happens and that’s the last thing we want.

The militias all across the nation are mobilizing. They’ve got rules of engagement already established, they’re not coming up there with any weapons, they’re not coming up there with any criminal intent or illegal lawlessness or anything else, they’re just patriots, Americans who happen to belong to a militia. They’re coming to voice the same thing: we want our nation back and we want our Constitution restored to where it’s the law of the land, not individuals.