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Militia Leader: Oregon Takeover Possible False Flag That Could Lead To 'Ghastly Civil War'

Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers isn’t the only “Patriot” movement leader slamming the armed militia takeover of a federal building in Oregon. Mike Vanderboegh, the leader of the Three Percenters militia group, wrote on his blog yesterday that the group in Oregon, which is being led by sons of rancher Cliven Bundy, is full of “sociopaths and idiots” and probably includes some who are working for the government.

Nevertheless, Vanderboegh, who warned at the Bundy ranch that the standoff could lead to “civil war on a vast scale” and more recently warned that a new Oregon gun buyers’ background check law could also lead to a civil war, wrote that if the federal government ends the Oregon standoff with force, he will have no choice but to join the Bundys in — you guessed it — a civil war.

In a statement published on his blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars, yesterday, Vanderboegh called the leaders of the Oregon takeover “federal provocateurs, sociopaths and idiots with a John Brown complex” and said that there are “far fewer than is claimed” occupying the building, adding that they have “written a check that they expect the rest of us to cash in our own blood in a ghastly civil war.”

Implying that some on the inside are secretly working for the government to set up a “perfect propaganda opportunity,” and that some are simply setting themselves up to commit “suicide by Fed,” Vanderboegh wrote that nevertheless “we must get across to the Feds that if they do not end this peacefully, if they go for a dynamic raid that gets people killed, that they will start a national conflagration that will be fought using the principles of Fourth Generation Warfare as adapted to an American civil war.”

In an earlier blog post, he quoted a member of his group on the ground at the scene: “The stupid has gone so far that I don't know if it can come back. These f-cking morons have no idea what they've done.”