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Mike Huckabee Touts Endorsements From Anti-Gay Extremists And End Times Fanatics

Just last week, Mike Huckabee was burning bridges with many Religious Right leaders by accusing them of being a bunch of sell-outs and frauds who don't really want to see an end to legal abortion and gay marriage and of having insufficient faith in God, all because they are not backing his presidential campaign. 

But apparently there are still a handful of Religious Right activists who have the virtue and moral fortitude to stand with Huckabee, despite his poor poll numbers, and endorse his candidacy, as reported by CBN's David Brody today:

It’s Iowa or bust for Mike Huckabee and with just a few weeks to go before the big Iowa Caucus, he’s trotting out some key endorsements from notable pro-family conservatives. The Brody File has the exclusive.

Among the group endorsing Huckabee are Dr. Tim LaHaye, minister and author of the New York Times best-selling Left Behind book series; Dr. Jim Garlow, Senior Pastor of SkyLine Church;” Art Ally, founder and president of Timothy Plan, America’s first pro-life and pro-family mutual fund company; Dr. Eric M. Wallace, President & Co-Founder of Freedom’s Journal Institute and Janet Folger Porter, Founder and President Faith2Action. It’s a solid list. 

Religious Right activist Tim LaHaye, of course, is the author of the Left Behind series and an End Times fanatic who has warned that President Obama is trying to destroy America and, as he told Huckabee, is bringing about the Armageddon:

Jim Garlow is an anti-gay activist who played a key role in the passage of California's Proposition 8. He has warned that gay marriage is a "demonic" and satanic force that will destroy America and force Christians underground where they will form a resistance movement in order to save America from the tyranny that is sweeping the nation. He has repeatedly declared that he is willing to die fighting against gay marriage:

Janet Porter, who has long been a vocal supporter of Huckabee's, is also a longtime radical right-wing activist who is now running for a seat in the Ohio state senate. An avowed conspiracy theorist, Porter has spent years warning that Obama would orchestrate food shortages in order to starve conservatives to death while using a swine flu outbreak as an excuse to lock them up in concentration camps. She has also suggested that Obama was raised by Soviet agents since he was a child, would personally negotiate with Osama bin Laden and make sure that people are denied "lifesaving treatment" based on "their political views."

Fortunately for Huckabee, Porter has repeatedly claimed that her prayers put George W. Bush in the White House.

When she is not praying that God will give conservative Christians control over the government and the media, Porter has been busy warning that increasing acceptance of gay rights will turn Christians into criminals who will eventually be rounded up and tossed in jail. This culminated in an anti-gay film she recently produced called "Light Wins" that featured none other than Mike Huckabee, along with several  Republican members of Congress and anti-gay activists who warned that gay activists are "grooming" and endangering children, for which they should be held criminally liable. Huckabee told viewers that gay equality is putting the freedom of religion and speech in jeopardy, which Porter portrayed as a nationwide conflagration: