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Mike Huckabee Mocks 'Bizarre' Michael Sam Call, Fears Gay 'Economic Terrorism'

Mike Huckabee appeared last week on Dave Garrison’s “Faith & Liberty” radio show, where he spoke about his new book, “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy.” Garrison told Huckabee that he was upset about how Right Wing Watch and others covered remarks that Michele Bachmann made on his show accusing gay people of seeking to “freely prey on little children sexually,” pointing to it as proof of growing “intolerance” among gay rights supporters.

The former Arkansas governor said that if he were elected president, he would use his bully pulpit to promote opposition to marriage equality, just as President Obama became “the leader cheerleader” for gay rights.

“Even though he didn’t call the family of Chris Kyle, the ‘American Sniper,’ when he was killed for all he had done for his country, he picks up the phone and calls an NFL football player and congratulates him for being homosexual,” he said. “How bizarre is that?”

“Since the president ‘came out,’ so to speak, you see court after court suddenly deciding that same-sex marriage is just fine; I’m convinced that it’s the president having given this legitimacy and sense of authority to the issue that has changed the debate,” he added, before once again claiming that governors and legislators can simply refuse to enforce federal court rulings on marriage equality.

Huckabee also rebuked Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy for walking back comments condemning homosexuality, calling it a “huge disappointment” that Cathy caved to pro-gay “economic terrorism.”

“I felt that it was a gut-punch to all those people who had stood by him that in the end he capitulated to those forces promoting same-sex marriage,” Huckabee said.

Huckabee also used the “economic terrorism” line during a similar controversy surrounding a self-proclaimed charity group that directed donations to anti-gay organizations.