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Mike Farris Stopped The ERA Because It Would Lead To Gay Marriage

Earlier this month, David Barton, Rick Green, and Mike Farris held a webinar focused on promoting an Article V Convention of the States, the latest right-wing plan to bring together representatives from all fifty states to draft constitutional amendments that will dramatically limit the power of Congress and the federal government.

WallBuilders has been airing portions of this webinar on its daily radio program this week and on today's installment, Farris noted that lots of conservatives leaders are supporting such a convention, with the exception of the Eagle Forum's Phyllis Schlafly, who has been vehemently opposed to the idea for years.

In defending the need for an Article V convention, Farris bent over backwards to praise Schlafly as his "dear, wonderful friend" who is simply wrong about this issue, saying that "in a fifty years career of absolute perfection, she's entitled to one mistake."

Farris went on a brag that he had worked side-by-side with Schlafly in fighting against the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s, noting that they argued against it by warning that it would lead to gay marriage:

One of the arguments we made was if you do this, it's gonna lead to homosexual marriage and people laughed at us.

Homosexual marriage? That's the craziest idea in the world!

Well, it turns out, we weren't so crazy after all.

Gee, it's good thing they stopped the ERA, otherwise we'd have the legalization of gay marriage rapidly spreading all across the country. Thank goodness Farris and Schlafly stopped that from happening!