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Mike Farris: 'Nazi Germany Would Be Proud' Of Efforts To Rollback Indiana's Discrimination Law

Mike Farris, the Religious Right activist who leads Patrick Henry College and the Home School Legal Defense Association, appeared on “The Lars Larson Show” on Tuesday to defend Indiana’s new “religious freedom” law. Farris dedicated most of the interview to claiming — falsely — that Indiana’s law is no different from other versions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed on the federal level and in other states.

“We are going backwards on religious liberty, back to the Dark Ages of toleration, back to the witch trials, back to the very kinds of things that caused people to get in their ships and cross the ocean and come to the shores of Virginia and Massachusetts,” Farris said, rather ironically.

“This is not just about gay rights,” Farris continued. “This is about, can New York City pass a law that prohibits circumcision, will Orthodox Jews be prohibited from circumcising their little boys? Will pro-life doctors be forced to participate in abortions?”

If gay rights undermine religious freedom, he warned, then America will transform into Nazi Germany: “This is all about unilateral coercion, it’s political correctness with the regimentation and force that Nazi Germany would be proud of.”