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Michele Bachmann Says God Told Her to Keep Critical Race Theory From Making Americans Forget 9/11

Michelle Bachmann speaks with FRC president Tony Perkins at Voters Value Summit 2017. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Pat Robertson's Regent University is hosting an event today featuring a variety of right-wing and religious-right activists and conspiracy theorists.

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who now serves as the dean of Regent's Robertson School of Government, will lead the event, which will feature the likes of Jonathan Cahn, John Ashcroft, Frank Gaffney, John Eidsmoe, and more.

To promote the event, Bachmann appeared on a World Prayer Network call Wednesday evening, where she claimed that she had been called by God to convene the event because proponents of critical race theory are likely to ignore it "because America was the victim that day."

"The Lord spoke to me about four months ago and said to do a conference on Sept. 11," Bachmann said. "America has taken a turn. From all of our cultural gatekeepers—whether it is from the entertainment industry, academia, even corporate culture—America is now becoming an 'anti' view. It is not a pro-America view; it is an anti-America view."

"I noticed in July, for instance, that [President] Joe Biden had canceled the Fourth of July celebrations in Washington, D.C.," she continued. "A lot of Democrat governors, Democrat mayors, were canceling their Fourth of July festivities, all under the auspices of COVID. And I thought, 'This is very, very strange. There's an effort to cancel not only our voices, but there's an effort to cancel America's history, traditions, and even our holidays and our heroes.' And so I was even more convinced that we were on the right track here at Regent by focusing on Sept. 11."

"One reason why I think there's such an 'anti' mood towards Sept. 11, is because America was the victim that day," Bachmann added. "Under critical race theory—whether it's being taught through corporations, or whether it's through our K-12 schools, or preschools, or at the collegiate level—critical race theory says that America is the oppressor nation and we, the American people, are the bad guys and any other nation is the victim. And so I knew again that focusing on what really happened on that day probably wasn't going to happen, so we pulled together incredible speakers for this to speak the truth because at Regent University, we're committed to being truth tellers and speaking the truth."