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Michele Bachmann Insists Trump Supporters Had Nothing to do With the Jan. 6 Capitol Insurrection

Michele Bachmann speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on September 21, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann responded to the hearing held on Tuesday by the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol by releasing a video in which she claimed that the insurrection at the Capitol was actually a false flag "coup" carried out by Biden supporters.

The video was released by Well Versed World, an organization founded by right-wing pastor Jim Garlow, for whom Bachmann once served as a “pastor to the United Nations” until she took her current position as dean of the law school at Pat Robertson's Regent University.

Standing outside the Capitol, Bachmann reiterated her claim that Trump supporters had nothing to do with events of Jan. 6, insisting that those who had gathered in Washington, D.C., that day to oppose the certification of the election results were peaceful Christians who had simply come together to worship and pray.

"The days leading up to Jan. 6, we were here, praying, walking up and down in the city, walking on the Mall, walking around this United States' Capitol building," Bachmann said. "On the morning of Jan. 6 ... we had a platform set up, we had a permit, we had a worship band, and we had a number of Christians that were here. I have to tell you: on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, Washington D.C., was one of the happiest places I've ever been in. So many people were coming in in support of President Trump. So many believers were here. People were witnessing on street corner after street corner. They were witnessing to the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were holding up banners proclaiming the name of Jesus. They were holding a banners in support of President Trump. Why? They were supporting him because President Trump was standing for biblical values. And that's why so many believers were here to support him, because he was supporting biblical values. So it was really, I would say, more akin to a family reunion. It was happiness. People weren't angry, they weren't swearing, they weren't planning an insurrection. They were so happy. And they were in prayer, believing that the election results would be the true election results and only would be certified based upon what truly happened in that election outcome. So, people of faith were here, by faith, asking God through faith for his true election results. That's the real story of Jan. 6."

Bachmann went on to claim that it was actually busloads of left-wing activists who were responsible for the attack on the Capitol.

"We didn't see normal people breaking in," she said. "Some people reported that they saw five buses drive up to this building, and people got out of those buses wearing all black clothing. They came up—we don't know who those people were—but they came up, and it was clear that some people—whether they were the Capitol Police or dressed to look like Capitol Police—they physically took these bicycle-looking barriers, they opened them—the people who looked like Capitol Police—they open the barriers and they were [waving] to the crowd, come in, to say to the crowd you can come in.

"There were some bad actors who had climbed up ... and they actually were pounding on the glass," Bachmann continued. "Now, a normal person doesn't do that. A normal person would never think to pound on the glass. I've seen the videotape of the first 14 people who went into the building. They were all dressed in black. They look like they'd been trained as warriors, the people who went in. This was clearly a planned event; that was not the Trump supporters who were around the building. What my conclusion was on-site is that this was nothing short of a coup. A political coup. What's a coup? It's an illegal takeover of a government. That's what I saw happening."

If, as Bachmann claims,Trump supporters were not involved in the attack on the Capitol, one wonder who she explains the arrests and prosecutions of hundreds of right-wing Trump supporters for participating in the insurrection?