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Michele Bachmann: Electing Hillary Clinton 'Will Lead To Even More Sexual Assaults Against Women'

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann appeared on the American Pastors Network's "Stand In The Gap" radio program yesterday, where she warned conservative Christians not to buy into the "lies" about Donald Trump because electing Hillary Clinton as president will only lead to more sexual assaults in America.

During the program, Sam Rohrer, the president of APN and a former Pennsylvania GOP lawmaker, asked Bachmann about a recent article in The Daily Beast reporting that Trump's long history of unrepentant sexism is creating a gender divide within the evangelical community, especially in the wake of the release of a recording in which the GOP presidential nominee is heard bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Bachmann, of course, dismissed the report, saying that it is nothing more than lies funded by George Soros to divide the evangelical community for the benefit of Clinton.

Trump may have made "crude" remarks, but that pales in comparison to what Bill Clinton has done, Bachmann argued, which was to "criminally assault women" and for which he has "never paid the price."

The best thing that Christian men and women can do, Bachmann said, is to ensure that Hillary Clinton never becomes president because she "will set a standard in this country that will lead to even more sexual assaults against women because she will be setting an anti-biblical agenda."

Rohrer agreed, saying that the effort to turn Christian women away from Trump is really a satanic effort to "divide Christian evangelical homes," which prompted Bachmann to declare that "this is an effort by Hillary Clinton supporters and George Soros, through Sojourners and other so-called Christian organizations, to divide us. These are lies and we, as Christians, need to recognize that this is a lie and a deception and we need to wake up and resist these lies."