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Michael Savage: Watch 'Homeland' To Understand Obama

Yesterady on “The Savage Nation(link is external),” Michael Savage lit into President Obama’s role in the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, the former Taliban prisoner who is now facing chargers of desertion.

Savage claimed Obama is “diminishing the U.S. military” and “permitting the Islamo-fascists to rise,” mocking liberals who believe Obama is a “loyal American” who “loves America.”

“Are you sure of that?” Savage facetiously asked. “Are you sure you haven’t watched the show ‘Homeland’ sufficient to understand that occasionally along comes someone who has not the American interest at heart? Is that possible? ‘Oh no, you right-wing nuts, you have it all wrong, you’re a bunch of racists. How dare you say that about the greatest American since George Washington.’”