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Michael Savage: The Democratic Party Is 'Political AIDS'

On his program “The Savage Nation” this week, Michael Savage connected the theory of evolution to attacks on masculinity in America, which, according to Savage, will lead to the destruction of the country. Savage accused the government of “targeting” the fittest Americans, “whether it’s a boy on a playground or an athlete on a football field," and posited that America is witnessing a “devious madness” as the government attempts to ensure that “the weakest thrive while the fittest die off.”

“If that’s not suicide, national suicide, please, tell me what is,” Savage said. “When a nation takes its masculine pride and attempts to de-ball it at every turn, by drugging it, by debasing it, by inhibiting it, tell how that nation can survive.”

Savage claimed that it is the “radical, sick feminists” and “racists” who hate white people that are inflicting this liberal “sickness” on the nation. “This is a nation that is the deep throws of illness,” Savage explained. “It would be too easy to call it a mental illness… I’ve redefined the illness America’s suffering from as an autoimmune disease. America is suffering from what is the equivalent of political AIDS.” Savage went on to clarify that the virus invading the country and “destroying it from within” is the “Democrat Socialist Party.”

“There’s no one who can disagree with me, no one, and if they do then they’re mentally insane,” he said.