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Michael Savage: Obama Will Steal Election From Trump With Reichstag Fire-style False Flag

Far-right radio host Michael Savage is continuing to spread the conspiracy theory, first floated by Donald Trump, that the election will be “rigged” against Trump.

Savage said that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has manufactured evidence of Russian “attempts to breach state voter registration databases” in order to warrant a federal takeover of the election system, warning that “this is like the Reichstag fire that Hitler used to justify taking over the government.”

“As you well know, the Reichstag fire was created by the Hitlerites in order to justify taking over parliament, it’s the same thing here in the Obama administration,” he said. “They’re creating a false flag of Russia interfering with our voting machines to justify their madness, their power madness. They must be stopped at all costs.”

“They’re getting ready to steal the election if Trump should look like he’s going to win,” Savage said, adding that Hillary Clinton looks like “she’s about to collapse before the finish line” and “is terrified of a real debate with Trump.”

“He can pull this one off and that’s why the snake in the White House is already lining it up so they can take over the voting booths,” he said.