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Michael Savage: Obama Should Be Called 'Obola,' Will Destroy America With Abe Lincoln Praise

Michael Savage took to “The Steve Malzberg Show” today to promote his new book, “Stop the Coming Civil War,” and expound on his conspiracy theory that President Obama is deliberately infecting Americans with Ebola.

“The fact of the matter is, in two more years we’re not going to survive,” Savage said of the Obama presidency. “He has been conducting a civil war on America’s institutions from the day he seized power. But it’s not just him. Take a look at the people surrounding him, ‘the four horsewomen of the apocalypse,’ they’re all thirty, forty years radicals on the left, that’s what they’re doing, they’re achieving their revolutionary goals right in front of our eyes.”

(We aren't entirely sure who Savage's "four horsewomen" are, only that in an WorldNetDaily article earlier this year, he identified two as State Department official Victoria Newland and National Security Advisor Susan Rice.)

He said Obama is letting Ebola “get out of control,” adding: “I named the president Obola the other day because my fear is that will be his legacy.”

Savage also attacked Obama for praising Abraham Lincoln, suggesting that because Lincoln suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War, Obama is going to send his critics to jail without trial any day now.

Of course, virtually every U.S. president in modern times has spoken highly of Lincoln, but never mind that!

“That’s one of Obama’s role models, that’s why I say you may think I’m inventing this to sell a book, then answer this, then how come there were 1.4 million hits on the article WND wrote the other day that was linked on Drudge, ‘Savage: Civil War, Savage says 30 days to save America'? 1.4 million people clicked on that, there are people who understand what’s going on,” he said.