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Michael Savage: Michelle Fields Could've Been A Suicide Bomber

Conservative talk radio host and outspoken Donald Trump supporter Michael Savage lashed out yesterday at former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields after Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, faced charges for grabbing and bruising Fields while she was asking the GOP presidential candidate a question at a campaign event in Florida.

Savage called the incident a “set-up” and said that the reporter’s bruises could have come from her boyfriend, who happens to be another conservative journalist.

“You know the reporter who said that Trump’s aide ‘attacked’ her with a little mark on her arm? How do we know her boyfriend didn’t put the mark on her arm?” Savage said. Trump has similarly claimed that Fields faked her bruises

Savage repeatedly attacked Fields as a deranged fame-seeker who wants to get on television, calling her a “narcissistic maniac” who “makes Megyn Kelly look like Mother Theresa.” He even urged Trump to press charges against Fields and warned that Fields “could have been a terrorist.”

“She could’ve stabbed him, she could’ve shot him, she could’ve blown herself up,” he said. “If I were running Donald Trump’s campaign, I would bring action against her for assault for assaulting a presidential candidate.” Trump himself said last night that a pen Fields was carrying during the incident could have been a “little bomb.”

Later, Savage said that “the chick reporter” is “out of control” and just one of the “sick people out there looking to make a name for themselves.”

Savage even took credit for Trump’s statement that he may press charges against Fields for assault, boasting that “many of his ideas are exactly my ideas.” Indeed, Trump has been a frequent guest on Savage’s radio program and their close relationship was profiled yesterday by the New York Times.

He then added to his conspiracy theory by arguing that Lewandowski was only charged because the police in Jupiter, Florida, who brought the charges “obviously are puppets of the Cruz campaign.”

Some goofy girl in a weird outfit with eyeglasses on — she could’ve been a terrorist, the goofball could’ve had a suicide vest on, she could’ve had a knife, she could’ve had a gun, who knows who she is? The Secret Service failed Donald Trump. Lewandowski did the right thing. But because Florida is so anti-Trump and owned by the Cruz people, the Jupiter police obviously are puppets of the Cruz campaign, they brought charges against Lewandowski today. I think that Donald Trump is right when he says, ‘Can I press charges?,’ because I said it before he tweeted it. I say it’s ‘talk radio for the thinking person.’ Apparently Trump is a thinking person.

Then, Savage baselessly called Fields “a whiney little Cruz supporter” who “worked for the Cruz campaign.”

Savage even said that “Lewandowski should be given a medal by the U.S. government” for yanking Fields away from Trump because “she could’ve had a knife, could’ve had a gun, could’ve had an explosive vest.”

Assault charges against “the maniac narcissist” will “teach her a good lesson,” he said.