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Michael Savage Likens Pope Francis And Bernie Sanders To Pol Pot

Yesterday on “The Savage Nation,” right-wing radio host Michael Savage debated with a Roman Catholic listener who took issue with his frequent criticisms of Pope Francis.

Savage vowed to never “kiss his robes because he says he’s the pope,” claiming that the pope is a communist agitator whose beliefs will lead to countless deaths.

He went on to claim that when Pol Pot took over Cambodia, “he instituted all of the reforms that Bernie Sanders and the Pope are calling for. What it resulted was was the Khmer Rouge, which would be like the street thugs in Baltimore and the street thugs in whatever that place is where they burnt it to the ground, giving them a gun and a badge, telling them to go out and round up anybody with eyeglasses, call them the enemy of the state and put them into internment camps, work camps, and they wound up with a mountain of skulls.”

Earlier this year, Savage predicted that President Obama would Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> arm and deputize Crips and Bloods gang members to serve as his personal brown shirts.