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Far-right Extremism

Meet the Religious Right's Newest Target

Earlier this week, President Obama nominated Chai R. Feldblum to be Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

It took the Traditional Values Commission all of three days to begin its smear campaign, starting with this piece entitled "If You Hate America You Have a Lawyer":

President Obama has picked Chai R. Feldblum to become a member of the Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal agency which enforces workplace civil rights laws. If confirmed, she would serve 5 years on the EEOC and issue edicts that will impact all areas of employment.

Feldblum isn’t known by most Americans but her career experience and employers make her a sort of general counsel to the Forces of Darkness. She has worked for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign Fund and she founded something called the Moral Values Project, a "gender equity" group meant to sound like something conservative.

She is a lesbian and has played a major role in pushing the LGBT agenda in American culture for the past 20 years.


In short, she wants the gay agenda to trump the First Amendment and religious freedom to impose the gay agenda on all Americans – including those with strongly held religious beliefs about homosexuality.

“Once again, President Obama has demonstrated there is no one too radical to serve in his administration,” said TVC Executive Director Andrea Lafferty.

“By picking Feldblum, he has signaled to his many fringe group fans on the Left that he will help them accomplish all of their goals to undermine the Constitution and overturn biblical morality and decency in America.

"Liberals hate America and so does a President who insists on appointing them to positions of power and responsibility within his already tottering administration."