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McFarland: Obama Voters 'Need To Get On Their Knees And Ask God's Forgiveness'

Alex McFarland is a Christian apologist who hosts a radio program on the American Family Association's radio network and serves as director of Center for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University, where he occasionally organizes right-wing conferences featuring speakers like of David Barton, Ben Carson, and Todd Starnes.

In a piece published on Charisma today, McFarland reiterated his belief that Barack Obama's presidency is God's judgment upon this nation, saying that everyone who voted for him must fall on their needs and beg for God's forgiveness:

We have a president today who has not only fundamentally violated his oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution but has also actually acted against our nation and our national interests. These aren't opinions; they are facts. And the American people need to be aware of them.


These are not simply political issues or political differences. They are fundamental worldview issues. What do we believe about life? What do we believe about liberty? Any president who believes the sanctity of life is nonexistent, the rule of law noncritical and the sovereignty of America nonessential is a president whose administration is without redemption. And the consequences our nation and the world are suffering may very well be evidence of God's judgment against a nation that has rejected Him.

As in 1776, this is not a time for inaction; it's a time for fervent prayer and repentance across our nation.  Those who supported this presidency—either through ignorance or through malicious intent—have supported the taking of human life, the rejection of Israel's right to defend itself, and the promotion of homosexuality to the detriment of the family. And those who supported these things need to get on their knees and ask God's forgiveness for violating His Word and to pray for His mercy on our nation.

And we as a nation need to corporately turn to God, repent and pray for constitutional and moral leadership that honors God's Word. Anything less will mean more Americans will die, more families will be destroyed, and the world will become a more dangerous place for life and liberty. And that is a tragedy none of us should be willing to accept.