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McCain’s Surrogates Still Love Hagee

Despite the fact that John McCain was forced to publicly reject(link is external) the endorsements of both Rod Parsley and John Hagee last week, it doesn’t look like his campaign surrogates are willing to follow suit and repudiate Hagee’s remarks(link is external) as “deeply offensive and indefensible.” 

In fact, not only are they not repudiating Hagee, they are actually joining him for his 2008 Christians United For Israel Washington-Israel Summit in July.  

As Max Blumenthal first reported yesterday(link is external), Senator Joseph Lieberman, who has long been one of McCain’s most ardent supporters(link is external), is scheduled to headline this year’s Night To Honor Israel Banquet(link is external) where he is scheduled to share the stage(link is external) with Hagee

Sen. Joe Lieberman says he'll speak at a July conference hosted by Rev. John Hagee, whose endorsement was recently rejected by Republican John McCain because of Hagee's controversial remarks about religion.

Lieberman, one of presumed GOP presidential nominee McCain's strongest supporters, said Wednesday while Hagee's comments were unacceptable and hurtful, he will judge him on his life work fighting anti-Semitism and building bridges between Christians and Jews.

With Lieberman announcing that he will in fact stick with his scheduled commitment, we've started a petition calling on him to cancel this appearance, which can be found here(link is external).  

Also joining Hagee at the event will be Gary Bauer(link is external), who has also been a vocal advocate for McCain, having supported his campaign back in 2000(link is external) and then endorsing him(link is external) again this time around.  When not busy earning his paycheck as a right-wing political operative(link is external) - marshalling support(link is external) for the GOP by trading on(link is external) wedge issues, decrying(link is external) hate crimes legislation, fighting efforts(link is external) to address climate change, pushing(link is external) voter ID requirements, and calling for the monitoring of mosques(link is external) – he’s been hard at work selling McCain(link is external) to the Religious Right and defending him(link is external) against the so-called biased liberal media.  

Bauer also happens to be a board member(link is external) of Hagee’s CUFI and, according to the itinerary(link is external), is scheduled to speak at no less than four separate panels:

10:00AM-11:30AM: Supporting The Jewish State - Now Or Never?

Pastor John Hagee, Founder & National Chairman Of Christians United For Israel (Cufi)

Gary Bauer, CUFI Executive Board Member

1:30PM- 3:00PM: Break Out Session One

Israel 101: The Basics Of The Arab Israeli Conflict

Gary Bauer, President of American Values

Charles Jacobs, Founder & President of The David Project Center for Jewish Leadership

Roz Rothstein, International Director of StandWithUs

3:30PM- 5:00PM: Break Out Session Two

Israel 101: The Basics Of The Arab Israeli Conflict

Gary Bauer, President of American Values

Charles Jacobs, Founder & President of The David Project Center for Jewish Leadership

Roz Rothstein, International Director of StandWithUs

1:30PM- 3:30PM: Middle East Briefing

Gary Bauer, President of American Values

Congressman Elliot Engel (D-NY)

William Kristol, Editor of The Weekly Standard

Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN)

When McCain announced(link is external) Bauer’s endorsement, he stated that Bauer’s “advice and counsel [would] be critical” to his campaign.  Presumably, given Bauer’s close ties to Hagee, his advice and counsel was to encourage McCain to seek Hagee’s support – support that McCain has now embarrassingly had to disavow.  But Bauer is standing by(link is external) Hagee and obviously thinks that sharing the stage with him is nothing to be embarrassed about, so it raised the question of just how much more of Bauer’s “advice and counsel” the McCain campaign will be seeking in the future.