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May Day on the Mall: Lifting The Curse That Obama's Election Has Brought Upon America

  On Saturday, May 1, Religious Right leaders and public officials will gather at the steps below the Lincoln Memorial to beg God to forgive America for having elected wicked leaders like President Obama. If you can’t make it to the national mall on Saturday morning, you can watch live on God TV or via webcast thanks to the American Family Association.   The "May Day - A Cry to God for a Nation in Distress" event is the brainchild of Janet Porter, a Religious Right activist/conspiracy theory-promoting radio host, and member of presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee’s inner circle. Porter believes America is under a curse for having “made the choice of death” by electing President Obama (even though God TV warned us not to). She announced the May Day event at last fall’s How to Take Back America conference.     Since then, Porter has lined up support from a significant number of Religious Right heavy-hitters like former Focus on the Family head James Dobson, who recorded an audio message recruiting pastors to get involved, and at least five members of Congress, including  Randy “Pray Against Health Care” Forbes (Virginia), Trent “Obama is an enemy of humanity” Franks (Arizona), Louie “Hate Crimes Act is a Pedophile Protection Act” Gohmert (Texas), and Steve “Know Your Enemies” King (Iowa).     May Day 2010 has been organized around the “Seven Mountains” theology, which advocates the complete takeover of every aspect of contemporary culture by modern day “apostles” of Christ. The theology is rooted in the belief that Christians are meant to have dominion over literally everything and is focused on spiritually “invading” seven specific facets of modern life in order to wrest control away from Satan and his demonic spirits so that Christians can put them to use in bringing about God’s kingdom on Earth: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion.    As Right Wing Watch has noted, “This 7 Mountains theology was started by Bill Bright, Loren Cunningham, and Francis Schaeffer back in 1975” and has seen its influence on the Religious Right grow ever since, until it has become not only the central focus of this May Day rally, but also the central mission of organizations such as the National Day of Prayer Task Force.   Porter herself recently prayed at the “Convergence 2010” conference for Christians to take dominion over media which, according to self-proclaimed Seven Mountain prophets like Johnny Enlow, is currently controlled by the demon spirit Apollyon, who has intentionally filled the media with liberal pawns who will only report bad news in order to drive people away from God.     At the May Day rally, Porter and others will be asking God’s forgiveness for the failures of Christians to take dominion over each of these seven mountains. For example, Porter has said that Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar will repent for the nation’s schools and "for how we have taught our children lies, not only in revisionist history but also evolution, how we've kicked God out of school."

The May Day 2010 Program includes a schedule, a congressional vote chart on health care reform legislation, ads from supporters, and a copy of the “Christian Manifesto” that declares that while the U.S. is “the greatest civilization in history” it will only remain a leader in the 21st Century by returning to its “Biblical roots.” 

A Who’s Who (and some Who’s That?) of the Religious Right   The May Day organizing committee and speaker list are full of Religious Right leaders and groups that have declared war on the Obama administration and its initiatives.   It includes Religious Right stalwarts like Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver  and Concerned Women for America’s Wendy Wright, as well as “historian” David Barton and more minor-league players like Vision America’s Rick Scarborough and Reclaiming America for Christ’s Rev. Paul Blair. It includes leaders of anti-gay groups and campaigns, like Pete LaBarbera and Prop. 8 leader and Gingrich acolyte Jim Garlow. Garlow, Lou Engle (who won’t be on the Mall because he’s spending the weekend conducting a potentially dangerous anti-gay Call event in Uganda) and Dutch Sheets were supposed to be hosting a similar pray-to-save-America event in June called Wilderness Outcry but that has been scrapped for lack of funds.   (See the full list of May Day 2010 committee members and speakers below)   What you can look forward to:   6:10 — 7:00 AM Praise and Worship Music (Sunrise is 6:10 AM) The band Sonicflood recorded a song written especially for the May Day event – if you can’t wait, get your free clip here.  In addition, the last 10-15 minutes of each hour will be music.   7:00 — 8:00 AM Opening Prayer (Mark Gurley), Pledge of Allegiance, and our National Anthem Repentance for the Mountain of the Family: ·         Repent on behalf of our individual sins—ask God to fill us with the Holy Spirit. ·         Repent for divorce and how we have re-defined marriage — Invite God back into marriage. ·         Repent for how we have treated family members, including the elderly and disabled. ·         Invite God back into families, hospital decisions, hospices, etc. Rev. Paul Blair, Dr. Jim Garlow, Bobby Schindler, Wendy Wright, Karen Bodle, Mark Ettinger, Fr. Peter West, and the Hoffman family   Proclamations and prayers for the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, and Connecticut   8:00 — 9:00 AM Repentance for the Mountain of Religion — the Church: ·         Repent for pastors — Invite God to direct the Church’s role in the culture. ·         Repent for churches that are “asleep.” ·         Repent for churches that have compromised the truth in an attempt to be more popular. Dr. Rick Scarborough, Dutch Sheets, Bishop E.W. Jackson, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Mark Matta, Alvin Chun, and Bill Lewis   States of Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, and Indiana   9:00 — 10:00 AM Repentance for the Mountain of Education: ·         Repent for how we have kicked God out of school, prohibited prayer, and punished Christians. ·         Repent for what has been taught with godless, evolutionary textbooks. ·         Repent for how children have been taught about homosexuality and led astray from the truth. ·         Invite God back into our classrooms, teaching, and policy. Cynthia Dunbar, Mat Staver, Peter LaBarbera, William Federer, David Crowe, Bonnie Fridenmaker, and William Estrada   States of Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, and Massachusetts   10:00 - 11:00 AM Repentance for the Mountain of Arts & Entertainment: ·         Repent for how we have desecrated God with our music — Invite God to reign supreme in music and the arts. ·         Repent for how we’ve assaulted God in our movies and television programs and exported our sin to other nations. Rick & Ce Ce Heil, Dr. Ted Baehr, Wes Llewellyn, Sharon Ngai, and Janet Porter   States of Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Nevada   11:00 AM - Noon Repentance for the Mountain of Business: ·         Repent for greed and stealing from God what rightfully belongs to Him in tithes and offerings. ·         Repent for the businesses that perform abortions, produce obscene material, or offend Him in other ways ·         Invite God back into the managing of our finances. Jerry Tuma, Mike Jacobs, Bo Chinn, Troy Newman, Stephanie Fullerton, William Owens, Jr., and Lucy Reithmiller   Presenting the “Christian Manifesto for the United States of America”   States of New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, N. Carolina, N. Dakota, and Ohio   Noon — 1:00 PM Repentance for the Mountain of Government: ·         Repent for how we have turned from God in Congress and our legislatures — Invite God to direct our lawmaking. ·         Repent for how we have turned from God in our military — Invite God in every area from prayer in Jesus’ name to our military strategies and defense. ·         Repent for our judicial system, for shedding innocent blood, desecration of marriage, and unrighteous verdicts — Invite God back into it and every decision we make. ·         Repent for the executive branch (President & Governors) — Invite God back in to guide, direct and govern. Chaplain Klingenschmitt, Ret. General Jerry Boykin, Rabbi Aryeh Spero, U.S. Rep. Trent Franks (Arizona), William Murray, Philip Jauregui, and Neigel Bigpond   States of Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, S. Carolina, S. Dakota, and Tennessee   1:00 — 1:45 PM Repentance for the Mountain of Media: ·         Repent for how the media has turned its backs on God and the truth. ·         Repent for how they have become activists for evil. ·         Invite God back into the media to guide and direct reporting in a truthful way. Bryan Fischer, Tony Perkins, Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Rev. Rob Schenk, and Rev. Pat Mahoney   States of Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming   1:45 — 2:00 PM Worship, Prayer, and Benediction   May Day Committee:   David & Janet Porter, Faith2Action Mike & Cindy Jacobs, Generals International Rev. Paul Blair, Reclaiming America for Christ Dr. Jim Garlow, Renewing American Leadership Dr. James Dobson, Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson Tim Wildmon, American Family Association Dutch Sheets, Dutch Sheets Ministries Congressman Randy Forbes (Virginia) Congressman Trent Franks (Arizona) Congressman Louie Gohmert (Texas) Congressman Steve King (Iowa) Congressman Cliff Stearns (Florida) Dr. Ted Baehr, Christian Film & Television Commission David Barton, WallBuilders Dick Bott, Bott Radio Network (Ret.) Three Star General Jerry Boykin, Kingdom Warriors Ministries Dr. Randy Brinson, Redeem the Vote Bo Chinn, Christians Building Unity Dr. Jerome Corsi, Author & Journalist David Crowe, Restore America Cynthia Dunbar, Texas State Board of Education Don Feder, World Congress of Families William J. Federer, Historian, Author, and Speaker Deb Fritch, Lite the Fire Kent and Christie Glesener, Shofar International Foundation Rick & Ce Ce Heil, Sonicflood Bishop Harry Jackson, High Impact Leadership Coalition Bishop E W Jackson, STAND America Philip L. Jauregui, Judicial Action Group State Rep. Merle Kearns (Oklahoma) Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, Pray In Jesus Name Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth About Homosexuality Rabbi Daniel Lapin, American Alliance of Jews and Christians Bill Lewis, Sons of Issachar for the 21st Century Rev. Pat Mahoney, Christian Defense Coalition Mark Matta, Public Awareness Ministries William J. Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition Dr. Jerry Newcombe, Host, Coral Ridge Hour Troy Newman, Operation Rescue Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion International Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America Kelly Shackelford, Esq.,Liberty Legal Institute Rabbi Aryeh Spero, Caucus for America Mathew D. Staver, Esq., Liberty Counsel Jerry Tuma, Economist Dr. Allen Unruh, Tea Party Coordinator Don Van Curler, Board of Directors, Coral Ridge Ministries Dr. Frank Wright, National Religious Broadcasters Wendy Wright, Concerned Women for America