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Matt Barber: Replace All Obama Appointees In Government With Right-Wing Christians

Filling in for Janet Mefferd on her radio show on last week,'s Matt Barber called on President Trump to fire every single government employee hired during the Obama administration and replace them with conservative Christians.

"The atheists, the secularists, the church-state separatists, the anti-Christian segregationists, they have infiltrated Washington, D.C., at the deepest levels," Barber said, urging Trump to drain the swamp of "these Obama secularist, atheist and LGBT activists."

"[Trump] needs to go in and he should be firing every single Obama hire, every Obama appointee. He should go through, and those individuals who do not support the administration's agenda—he's the boss, they're under him—he should be terminating them and replacing them with, yes, Christians, yes, conservatives, with people who are going to embrace the agenda and the draining of the swamp."