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Matt Barber Bravely Stands Up For Uganda's Anti-Gay Crackdown

Liberty Counsel attorney Matt Barber wants President Obama and Vice President Biden to stop bullying Uganda merely because its leaders are taking the courageous stand of jailing gay people and making homosexuality a crime punishable up to life imprisonment.

In an article last week for OneNewsNow (the media arm of the American Family Association) entitled “Will U.S. bully nations if they are anti-'gay'?,” Barber expressed outrage that the Obama administration is treating gays as human beings.

Matt Barber, vice president of Liberty Counsel Action and founder of, says to hear Biden one would think America's chief export right now is immorality.

"... The fact [is] that the majority of the world recognizes that it's offensive to compare sexual license to true human rights violations," he tells OneNewsNow. "And the fact that that escapes Joe Biden and President Obama boggles the mind."

Barber argues that those who promote LGBT rights are using "euphemistic language to dishonestly conflate human rights with disordered sexual license."

"For Joe Biden to tell the world, a world that embraces sexual morality and traditional values, [that] I don't care what your culture is [is essentially telling other nations] You must embrace the United States' immoral view of sexual immorality and sexual sin or we're going to penalize you with the powers of the purse string." (emphasis in original)

Which Barber points out is exactly what the U.S. has done to Uganda. That country passed a law in February that strengthened criminal penalties for homosexual acts and made life sentences possible for those convicted of breaking the law. Last week, the U.S. imposed visa bans on Ugandan officials who the administration feels are violating homosexual rights there.