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MassResistance: Boston Red Sox Should Withdraw, Apologize For 'It Gets Better' Video

The vehemently anti-gay Massachusetts-based group MassResistance is now going after the Boston Red Sox for making a video against teen suicide and bullying, particularly bullying directed at LGBT children. MassResistance is led by Brian Camenker, who once said that anti-bullying efforts are part of a “very aggressive, fascist type of movement” of “homosexual activists.” The group attacked the Red Sox for endorsing the efforts of The Trevor Project and the It Gets Better Project, suicide-prevention groups that focus on LGBT youth, and accused them of being “supportive of the homosexual agenda or at best indifferent to how it affects children, their families, or society”:

The site itself and its companion site lead kids to homosexual pornography and homosexual groups with a history of targeting kids with graphic homosexual material. Far from "helping" troubled kids, these sites would add considerably to their psychological and medical trauma.

But worse, the Boston Red Sox are helping the radical homosexual movement push their depraved agenda on troubled kids, many of whom probably need real help. They seem fine with that. By any rational measure, this is simply evil.

As we've pointed out, things ain't like they used to be. Today's Red Sox players, staff, and management are largely liberals who support the general left-wing agenda. Many of them are multi-millionaires who hang out with glitzy liberals and are disconnected with average parents trying to raise their kids. They are likely supportive of the homosexual agenda or at best indifferent to how it affects children, their families, or society.

Brian Camenker wrote in a letter [pdf] to the team that the “real victims are the vulnerable kids who come to them for help” and that the Red Sox should take down the video and “issue an apology to the public”:

Perhaps you did not sufficiently look into these before you got involved with them. The “It Gets Better” project bills itself as an anti-bullying and anti-suicide effort. But in fact it does practically nothing legitimate in that regard, and instead serves as a conduit for kids to extremely objectionable and outrageous homosexual activism.

Neither Dan Savage nor anyone else closely associated with “It Gets Better” appears to have any legitimate qualifications for working with kids, and certainly not for dealing with the behavioral and psychological issues surrounding suicide. They are simply homosexual activists. The real victims are the vulnerable kids who come to them for help.

But possible even more disturbing is “The Trevor Project,” which the Red Sox video specifically leads kids to. It is purportedly a website of “resources” for kids to go to for “crisis intervention.” These “resources” tend to be homosexual activist organizations and other materials intended to normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, sadomasochism, and other extremely destructive behaviors in the minds of troubled kids. These are clearly designed by homosexual activists, not any kind of legitimate medical professionals.

I would urge you to immediately remove the video, disassociate yourself with this entire sordid “project,” and issue an apology to the public.