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Mark Taylor: Eric Holder Is Posting Mind Control Codes on Twitter

During his recent appearance on Greg Hunter’s “USAWatchdog” program, so-called “firefighter prophet” and radical conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor warned that former attorney general Eric Holder is delivering secret "mind control" codes to the public via his Twitter account.

Recently, Holder changed the banner image on his Twitter account to feature a photo of him standing beside John F. Kennedy's grave at Arlington National Cemetery, which both Taylor and Hunter are interpreting as Holder sending a message to President Trump.

"He changed his Twitter background to you see him standing there with his arms crossed in front of JFK's grave site and he's got his hands together with his two fingers, like he is giving a code," Taylor said. "People aren't stupid."

"Do you think he's giving the order to have the same thing happen to Donald Trump that happened to JFK?" asked Hunter.

"It's not looking good, let's put it that way," responded Taylor. "It looks like there is something being given off in the spirit by what he is doing. These guys have code words, they have symbolism, they don't have to come right out and say something to activate these people."

Taylor went on to assert that people who have carried out mass shootings have often been under CIA "mind control" and that Holder is attempting to "activate" more of them to target Trump with his Twitter image.

"These guys are totally demonic when it comes to this stuff," he said. "They're using the mind control, they are using the activation codes to activate these guys."