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Mark Levin Demands Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Pay Attention to Him

(Screenshot / BlazeTV)

Conservative pundit and TV host Mark Levin seems to think that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez owes him her time.

During an appearance on Tuesday’s edition Sean Hannity’s eponymous Fox News program, Levin accused news outlets of catering to Democrats and liberals and falsely asserted that major news outlets do not differentiate between news reporting and commentary. He also pronounced Ocasio-Cortez to be a “Marxist” and described her positions on climate justice, universal healthcare, and minimum wage increases as “the Soviet dream.”

At the end of his rant to the “Hannity” audience, he issued an invitation for Ocasio-Cortez to confront him on his Fox News program.

“Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, please come on my FOX show on Sunday. I want to talk to you. I want to talk to you about capitalism versus Marxism and socialism. I want to talk to you about some of your ideas. I know you go to these slobbering interviews and so forth. I promise to be respectful. Have enough guts and enough intelligence,” Levin said.

Conservative pundits demanding that Ocasio-Cortez debate them is a shtick first tried by The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, who offered $10,000 to Ocasio-Cortez if she would appear on his program. Ocasio-Cortez likened Shapiro’s offer to catcalling and declined. Since Shapiro’s stunt, other GOP men have called on Ocasio-Cortez to spend their time engaged in bad-faith debates with them.

This morning Levin tweeted that he had not received a response from Ocasio-Cortez, somehow believing that he had intimidated her. Perhaps she’s too busy being a sitting congresswoman.