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March for Trump: Love and Unity, Trump-Style

Organizers of the March for Trump scheduled in Washington, D.C. and around the country for Saturday, March 4 said in a statement that “The goal of these marches and rallies are to peacefully unite all people.” The statement says the march “is seeking only individuals who wish to spread love rather than hate, unite rather than divide, and support rather than resistance.”

It seems questionable at best whether the notoriously divisive object of their affection would meet that standard. The same holds for the event’s own website, which denounces Trump’s political opponents in extremely harsh terms:

A seditious fringe has resolved to sabotage this restored purpose.  An insidious propaganda apparatus intends on further shredding the truth.  Our cities are being assailed, our police are under attack, and our livelihoods are being given away.  From radical Islamic terrorism to our deliberately undermined military, the challenges posed from without are just as dangerous…

President Trump has thankfully set a new course, and no matter your race, creed, color, gender, orientation, age, or anything else traitors exploit to divide, We The People are one.  Come show your support for him, each other, and our country right in the heart of our capital...

The Washington Blade’s Lou Chibbaro reported on Wednesday that Gays for Trump is playing a “lead role” in organizing the rally and march:

Gays for Trump President Peter Boykin said the D.C. event, which will include a short rally at the site of the Washington Monument followed by a march to the White House, is not a specifically gay event but organizers expect many LGBT people to be participating.

“It is for everybody but you will see a lot of rainbow flags,” Boykin told the Washington Blade. “D.C.-area Gays for Trump will definitely be attending.”

The Breitbart-supported Gays for Trump party in Cleveland during the Republican convention was not particularly focused on spreading love and unity. It featured a trio of anti-Muslim speakers—Milo Yiannopoulos, Pamela Geller, and Dutch politician Geert Wilders—who delivered the message that Islam has “no place in a free society.” Yiannopoulos, whose most recent media splash involved getting invited to speak at CPAC and then almost immediately disinvited, has called the left in America “a cancer that you need to eradicate” and described Black Lives Matter as a “hateful, destructive, movement.”