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Maggie Gallagher: Christians Must 'Be Prepared To Rebuild From The Ruins Of The Collapse Of Civilization'

James Dobson continues to prepare for the upcoming Supreme Court arguments on marriage equality by gathering anti-gay activists on his radio program to discuss the various calamities that will befall the United States if the court strikes down state-level bans on gay marriage.

On today's program, Dobson spoke with former National Organization for Marriage president Maggie Gallagher, who warned that a Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality would represent the literal end of civilization and the beginning of an era in which Christians become a persecuted minority.

Declaring that the push for marriage equality is nothing more than "an attempt to impose a new morality on all of America," Gallagher warned Dobson's audience to get ready to live as pariahs in a society in which people of faith and marginalized and persecuted.

"Christianity in this country is going to enter a new phase where we are a hated minority group," she declared, "and I think we had better be psychologically and spiritually prepared for that and be prepared to rebuild from the ruins of the collapse of civilization that we're witnessing. At least one civilization is over with and what the next phase of American civilization will be is yet to be determined":