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Lucian Wintrich Says Florida School Shooting Happened Because Liberals ‘Demonized’ The Church

Gateway Pundit’s White House correspondent Lucian Wintrich blamed yesterday’s school shooting that killed 17 people in Florida on liberals who have “demonized” the church in favor of “fringe ways of thinking.”

Wintrich appeared yesterday alongside his co-host Ali Akbar, an activist within the self-labeled “New Right” movement, for an episode of “Wintrich Report” dedicated to the school shooting in Florida earlier that day, Akbar’s conversation with Twitter’s CEO about alleged censorship of conservatives, and a careless reporting error Wintrich made earlier that evening. While discussing the shooting, Akbar said that the mass shooting was a sign that “something is wrong in society,” which prompted Wintrich to launch into a tangent about the church.

“Part of it is the lack of community and the lack of the role of the church in modern American society. And I think that the way the left has disparaged that, what they’ve done—and it infuriates me what the left has done these days—is they have demonized Christianity, the church, Jesus Christ, who if you read his teachings, right, it was ‘We’re all brothers. Look out for one another.’ The left has demonized that and then propelled these fringe ways of thinking,” Wintrich said.

He continued, “So previously, we could be as creative as we wanted but we understood morality. We understood who we are functioning under—quite honestly, God, right? I think a lot of especially younger people don’t have that anymore and then that this is what’s driving these shootings.”

“It’s disgusting. It’s absolutely disgusting,” Wintrich said. “The left is to blame. The left is purely to blame.”

Yesterday, Wintrich stayed true to his track record of publishing 4Chan hoaxes about mass tragedies under the guise of journalism. In the hours following the mass shooting, Wintrich published a hoax BuzzFeed article that originated on 4Chan as if it were true. Wintrich also falsely reported that the shooter was a registered Democrat and assumed the shooter was Mexican because his last name was “Cruz.”