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Louie Gohmert: Allowing DREAMers In Military Would Have Been Very Rude To Texas Judge

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, is outraged that Congress nearly approved a Defense Department spending bill that included a provision encouraging the military to allow undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children to enlist. Gohmert told talk radio host Greg Garrison today that provision, which was stripped from the bill in a narrow vote yesterday, would have been a “slap” at the U.S. district court judge in Texas who has placed a hold on President Obama’s executive actions deferring deportation for some undocumented immigrants.

Gohmert praised Judge Andrew Hanen, who is known as one of the most conservative federal judges in the country, for “singlehandedly stopping the illegal, unconstitutional amnesty,” and declared that it would have been “just totally inappropriate to slap him after he was being such a stand-up man for the Constitution.”

Can you imagine if you’re the U.S. district judge in the Southern District of Texas that’s single-handedly stopping the illegal, unconstitutional amnesty, and then you have the House of Representatives, not only with not enough guts to stop the illegal amnesty like they promised, but then turn around and slap the one judge that’s acting constitutionally? I mean, that would have been such an outrage, and I’m glad we were able to beat that back yesterday.


This was even more egregious because it was slapping in the face the one stand-up judge who stood against the illegal amnesty while Republicans in Congress were breaking their promise that we’d stop the illegal amnesty. Our leadership didn’t stand on their promises as they promised, but we had a judge that did the right thing by the Constitution, and it was just totally inappropriate to slap him after he was being such a stand-up man for the Constitution.