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Liz Crokin: Voting Democrat Is a Vote for the Rape, Torture, and Murder of Children

Last night, right-wing “journalist” and Trump-worshiping conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin posted a get-out-the-vote video on YouTube in which she asserted that a vote cast for any Democratic candidate in the midterm elections is a vote in support of the rape, torture, and murder of children.

"Tomorrow's election boils down to whether or not you support the rape, torture, trafficking, and murdering of children, period," she said. "Yes, it literally is that black and white. It is literally that simple."

"The Democratic Party is the party of child sex trafficking," Crokin continued. "Their policies—sanctuary cities, the border wall, the caravan crisis, the refugee crisis—these are all covers, people, to traffic children. Period! Tomorrow boils down to whether you support the trafficking of children or not. Period! I cannot stress this enough."

"The members of Congress who are Democrats are tied into child sex trafficking in one way, shape, or form," she added. "Whether they are directly trafficking kids themselves and raping kids and torturing kids themselves, or whether they are profiting off of it, or if they're blackmailed, it doesn't matter. That party's polices encourages and fosters and enables child sex trafficking and many of the Demon-crats are directly running child sex trafficking rings, period."

"If you are finding this video and seeing this video right now and you are undecided, there is a reason for that," Crokin said. "God is calling you to the polls. And let me tell you, if you are not okay with children being raped, tortured, and trafficked, then you need to vote red all the way down the line. Period!"