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Liz Crokin Says Trump Critics Like Robert DeNiro, Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert And Michael Moore Should Be Investigated For Pedophilia

Liz Crokin is a right-wing “reporter” and rabid conspiracy theorist who has dedicated her career to exposing(link is external) the supposed fact that leading government, entertainment and business leaders are involved in a massive satanic pedophile cult(link is external). Recently, she appeared(link is external) on a program hosted by a former "Survivor" contestant(link is external) to discuss the various Hollywood sexual abuse scandals, where she declared that Bill and Hillary Clinton are satanists and pedophiles and urged the government to investigate critics of President Trump like Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert and Michael Moore to uncover their ties to pedophilia.

Crokin said that the sexual abuse scandals in Hollywood "completely coincide with the occult" because this abuse "is directly related [to] satanism ... It is part of an occult ritual that these celebrities, politicians, powerful people are engaged in because they believe in Lucifer, they believe in Satan and they believe that sexually abusing children literally gives them spiritual power."

Crokin asserted that she "knew that Kevin Spacey is a pedophile" because he "is very tight with the Clintons," whom she asserted "are both sexual predators and are pedophiles and that will be proven to be true very soon."

Reiterating her belief(link is external) that those who criticize Trump are likely involved in pedophilia, Crokin declared that "the people that are involved in child sex trafficking, that are involved in pedophilia—or maybe not pedophilia but have some major criminal activity to hide—they're the ones screaming the loudest against Trump."

"I would say Robert DeNiro needs to be looked at very closely," Crokin said. "I would say Alec Baldwin needs to be looked at very closely, I would say Stephen Colbert needs to be looked at very closely, I would say Michael Moore needs to be looked at very closely. You'll find that these elite pedophiles, they're very close friends and they all hang out and they're all marked members of the same club an they're all doing the same stuff."