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Liz Crokin: Kavanaugh's Confirmation Is the Final Step Before Mass Arrests and Military Tribunals

Right-wing “journalist” and fringe conspiracy theorist Liz Crokin posted a video on YouTube yesterday in which she claimed that Democrats are desperately trying to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court because they know that if he is confirmed, that will be the final step before the mass arrests and military tribunals begin.

"They know what's coming," Crokin said. "The deep state, the globalists, the cabal members, they know they're screwed, they know what crimes they have committed."

Echoing the claims of so-called "firefighter prophet" Mark Taylor, Crokin asserted that the late Sen. John McCain did not die of brain cancer, but was actually executed by a secret military tribunal for treason.

"John McCain never had cancer," she declared, incredulously. "He didn't die a natural death or death from brain cancer. The man was tried in a private military tribunal and he was killed for treason. And from what I am hearing and from what I am researching, he sang; he sang like a canary and gave up the goods on other people."

"It was so obvious he didn't have brain cancer," she said. "Give me a break."

Crokin claimed that members of the deep state know that Trump is coming after them and are now working to ensure that when they are arrested and prosecuted, they will be tried in court, where they might have a chance of getting off on a technicality, instead of before a military tribunal and that is why they are going all out to defeat Kavanaugh.

"The military isn't going to let any of these scumbags who were involved in raping children and trafficking children get off on a frickin technicality," she said. "They're screwed. They know it. And the bottom line with Judge Kavanaugh is, once he is confirmed, it's over. He is the final nail in the coffin that needs to happen to lead us into mass arrests and then the military tribunals."