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Lively: Russia A 'Beacon Of Freedom' While US Is A 'Gay Version Of The Soviet Union'

Scott Lively believes Vladimir Putin’s attempt to stop Russia’s “homosexualization” is comparable to the fight against Nazis(link is external) and the pastor has promised Putin the first copy of a Russian-translation of his book The Pink Swastika(link is external), which blames gays for the Holocaust.

“And while the “Land of the Free” and its Mother Country (which once promised that ‘Britons never, ever, ever shall be slaves’) embrace police-state tactics against Bible-believing Christians, the former Communist slave state is becoming a beacon of freedom to those who love God‘s design for the family,” Lively writes(link is external), warning that the gay rights “Fascist Leviathan” threatens “the future of mankind.”

He warns that as the same time “the United States and the United Kingdom morph slowly into a ‘gay’ version of the Soviet Union,” Russia has “become the defender of Christian civilization against the Cultural-Marxist American Eagle and British Lion.”

As the United States and the United Kingdom morph slowly into a “gay” version of the Soviet Union, an unlikely hero of family values has emerged: Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a stunning reversal of roles, the Russian Bear has become the defender of Christian civilization against the Cultural-Marxist American Eagle and British Lion.

While America and Britain compete to see how fast they can turn their children into Sodomites, Russia has banned homosexual propaganda to youth. While the “mainstream” American and British press publish only pro-”gay” puffery and propaganda, Russia’s Pravda has become a counter-balance to their lies. While the US and UK public schools have erected an iron curtain to prevent students from encountering any pro-family arguments or advocates, the Russian schools are preparing their boys and girls for healthy, normal marriage. And while the “Land of the Free” and its Mother Country (which once promised that “Britons never, ever, ever shall be slaves“) embrace police-state tactics against Bible-believing Christians, the former Communist slave state is becoming a beacon of freedom to those who love God‘s design for the family.

Today I have mailed my Open Letter to President Vladimir Putin, praising him, and the Russian government for standing up for the family (see is external)). I have also sent him a copy of my book, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, co-authored by Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams, which will soon be published in Russian. We have promised President Putin the first copy of that book in his own language.

I will close this letter with the same words I wrote to him, invoking the battle we waged together against Nazism:

“Once again, thank you, President Putin, for standing firm in defense of the natural family, which is the essential foundation of all human civilization. Perhaps through the inspiration of your leadership, an alliance of the good people of our countries with those of your own, can once again in some cooperative fashion, redeem the future of mankind from a Fascist Leviathan, just as we did in World War II.”